Millennium Garden: A Beauty that Lies in the Eyes of Its Withholder
This week’s article comes from Club Y.E.S. volunteer Kompal.
The aromatic scent of luscious herbs, vibrant ponds filled with dazzling goldfish, and the arcadian feeling of sitting on the swing in front of the fountain in Millenium Garden is a delightful thought for many. A quick two minutes away from a large area of fields and a children’s park, Millennium Garden has become a space for people of all ages to enjoy. Featuring an exquisite labyrinth, a number of tranquil walkways, and a large variety of flowers, it is one of the most beautiful places in Plymouth to spend time with your family, friends, or even by yourself.
The history of Millennial Garden is just as rich as its flowers. In 1999, just at the turn of the millennium, the city was looking for ideas to bring more joy to its infrastructure and celebrate the passing of time. Eric Blank, the parks and recreation director at the time, suggested expanding the small community garden that was there at the time. One thing led to another, and soon, a huge project was underway.
Funding for such an exquisite project is difficult for a city to obtain, but the community was more than willing to raise funds for the beautiful garden to be built. Memorial bricks were sold to raise money, but the meaning behind these bricks is much more personal to the families of Plymouth. Many of them see these bricks in the beautiful garden as the memory of their loved ones, and due to the permanency of the garden, it has become a place of comfort for many. In 2003, the first phase of the project was completed and celebrated. The second phase of the garden included the water pond, waterfalls, and plant materials. The second phase was finished in 2009.

Describing this luscious garden in words is no easy task. On one end, a swing for observers of nature is placed near a luminous garden with a circular pond. A variety of colors that pop are placed throughout the garden, allowing it to be a wonderful location for wedding or prom photos. In fact, two stone columns form a doorway in the garden area, with a butterfly garden nearby. Overall, the Millennium Garden is truly, amazingly picturesque.