Collections Website

Collections Website

The Plymouth Historical Society has been working on a collections inventory for the past 8 weeks. So far, we have inventoried about 525 objects, or about 1/3 of the objects we planned to inventory during this phase of the project.

Now that we’ve reached this milestone, we’ve decided to make our work public. One of the reasons for completing this inventory is to be able to share our collections online. For the first time ever, users are able to see and learn about objects in our collection from anywhere in the world!

To access our new collections website, visit MN Collections. This site, managed by the Minnesota Alliance of Local History Museums, is slowly beginning to add collections for a number of local history museums, including ours. Users can search across all museum collections, or they can zero in on ours.

To concentrate on items from the Plymouth Historical Society, follow these steps: At the bottom of the home page, you will see a photo of the Plymouth History Museum. Click on that photo to browse our records.

New items will be added as they are completed, so check back and watch our progress!

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