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Author: Elise Schebler-Roberts

History Day Ideas for Students and Teachers

History Day Ideas for Students and Teachers

by Hattie Thompson Last week we noted that whatever your passions or interests, there is a historical topic that covers it. For instance, do you like sports?  How about fashion and technology?  If you want to make your classmates laugh, tell them you’re writing a research paper on the Underwear Revolution.  (It’s not made up, it happened right here in Minnesota.) Consider sports-it is football season after all.  Did you know that before the rules of football instituted the forward…

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Break some Barriers with 2020 History Day!

Break some Barriers with 2020 History Day!

By Hattie Thompson Calling all Minnesota students! If you think history is boring, raise your hand.  Okay, we get it! But let’s think about it: whatever your passions and interests are, there’s a history to it.  And people of the past have had to break barriers to get where we are today. Feel like breaking some barriers of your own? Get involved in the 2020 History Day.  The theme for this year is “Breaking Barriers in History”. How to become…

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