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Month: August 2020

Historic Plymouth Site Map

Historic Plymouth Site Map

“Sense of place is the sixth sense, an internal compass and map made by memory and spatial perception together.” -Rebecca Solnit, Savage Dreams: A Journey into the Landscape Wars of the American West The Plymouth Historical Society is finding new ways to engage community members with our city’s history through these times of socially distanced activities. One new undertaking is the creation of a map of historic sites within the City that can be explored from home or in situ…

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Plymouth’s Historic Town Hall: Pt. 3

Plymouth’s Historic Town Hall: Pt. 3

Through the process of addressing changing needs of the Plymouth History Museum, it became clear the staircase between upper and lower levels needed a rethink. The stairs were obstructed overhead by a large case containing the museum’s taxidermy bird collection. This not only blocked light from entering the staircase but also created a walking hazard for anyone nearing six feet in height! The case was removed and replaced with a sturdy new handrail, returning natural light into the space. In…

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